• Exceptional weekends
• Gastronomic stays
• Private Jet Flights

Commercial brand of Hola Tour



The services listed on the "HENRY & GABY" website are offered by SAS HOLA TOUR, which publishes this site under the direction of Mr. Jérôme SERRE in his capacity as President of SAS HOLA TOUR. You can contact a natural person at the following number: +33 (0)6 41 66 42 58

The name, company name, address and telephone number of the site host are indicated on the site. SAS HOLA TOUR offers the following services for sale on the above-mentioned site that it publishes :
• Tours
• Flights
• Excursions
Tourist packages (escapades of 2 days or more)
• Accommodation services
• Leisure services
• Gift vouchers

SAS HOLA TOUR is a SAS with a capital of 50,000 Euros, whose head office is located at 20 RUE DES CAPUCINS 77160 PROVINS. SAS HOLA TOUR is registered with the RCS of MELUN under the number B 842 077 406, whose intra-community VAT number is FR23842077406. SAS HOLA TOUR is also registered with the HOLA TOUR register of travel and holiday operators under number IM021170003. SAS HOLA TOUR has taken out, under the conditions provided for by the Tourism Code, with the company Generali Iard - (SA with a share capital of €94,630,300), 2 rue Pillet-Will, 75009 Paris, a Professional Liabilitý insurance policy which covers in particular the financial consequences that may fall to the insured party due to bodily injury, material and immaterial damage caused to employees, service providers or third parties as a result of faults, errorsof fact or of law, omissions or negligence committed in the course of its activitý as a travel organisation and this, up to an amount of €2,000,000 Euros per insurance year for all damage combined. SAS HOLA TOUR is the holder of the insurance contract n° AP832611. The Tourism Code and its application texts fixing the conditions of exercise of the activities relating to the organisation and sale of trips and stays imposes "to justify, with regard to the customers, an adequate financial guarantee, especially affected to the refunding of the funds received under the services enumerated in the article 1 and to the delivery of substitute services, resulting from the commitment of a collective guarantee organisation, a credit institution or an insurance company, this financial guarantee including the costs of any repatriation and must, in this case, be immediately mobilisable on national territory. SAS HOLA TOUR benefits from the financial guarantee provided by Schneider Finance, 15 rue de Marignan, 75008 Paris, for an unlimited amount of which it is a member. This financial guarantee is activated to the consumer customer, when the tourism professional (Adherent Member of the Association), to whom he has paid funds, is financially in default. The guarantee provided by Schneider Finance is delivered as a priority in the form of similar or equivalent substitute services ordered by the consumer customer from his travel agent. This guarantee in services has the advantage for the consumer customer, victim of the financial default of the member, to carry out, or even continue his trip or stay, in secure conditions. In order to secure our relations from a legal point of view, we invite you tò take note of the present general terms of sale by reading them carefully and the legal provisions referred to in law n° 92-645 of 13 July 1992 fixing the conditions of exercise of the activities relating to the organisation and sale of trips or stays and in decree n° 94-490 of 15 June 1994 taken in application of article 31 of this law, in particular codified under articles L 211-1 et seq. The general terms and conditions of sale of our excursions comply with the Law No. 2009-888 of 22 July 2009 on the development and modernisation of tourist services.


"SITE" designates the "HENRY & GABY" Internet site, published́ by the companý SAS HOLA TOUR. "PROVISION" refers to a service provision such as the provision of accommodation, tourist packages or insurance etc.... "ORDER" refers to any booking made by the user directly on the "HENRY & GABY" website or by telephone. "VOUCHER" or "VOUCHER": a document issued by SAS HOLA TOUR allowing the user to obtain services in hotels, restaurants and more generally from SAS HOLA TOUR's service providers. "SERVICE SUPPLIER" refers to any service provider or supplier of SAS HOLA TOUR and includes hotels, hotel residences, tour operators, restaurants, insurance companies and travel agencies. "YOU" or "THE USER" or "CONSUMER CUSTOMER" refers to any person using the site or the call centres whose contact details appear below in order to book, order and/or purchase any services offered by SAS HOLA TOUR. "The descriptive sheets appearing on the site constitute an offer and are binding on the parties. To this end, when placing an order, the description of the service offered is available for the current calendar year. SAS HOLA TOUR makes every effort to provide photos and illustrations that give an overview of the services offered. However, minor variations may occur between the photos on the description sheets and the products supplied. "OFFER": transport service, excursion or tourist package. The offers are presented on the "HENRY & GABY" website. "ALL-INCLUSIVE PACKAGE": excursion or tourist package including, in accordance with each offer description on the website: transport, visits, entrance fees to museums, meals, drinks included with meals and during breaks, tastings and, depending on the offer, accommodation. The package is sold at an all-inclusive price. "TOURIST PACKAGE", as defined by Article L 211-2 of the French Tourism Code, refers to the service:

• Resulting from the prior combination of at least two operations relating respectively to transport, accommodation or other tourist services not ancillary to transport or accommodation and representing a significant part of the package;
• Exceeding twenty-four hours or including an overnight stay;
• Sold or offered for sale at an all-inclusive price;

"FLASH SALE" is the name of a sales area on the site where services are offered at reduced prices for an average period of five to seven days, as opposed to permanent sales which may also appear on the site from time to time. ARTICLE 2 - SCOPE The general sales conditions of SAS HOLA TOUR are valid as of 1 April 2017. This edition cancels and replaces the previous versions. The present general conditions of sale apply to any use of the site, in particular to the marketing by internet and by telephone of all the services offered on the site by the company SAS HOLA TOUR. It is therefore imperative that the User carefully reads the General Terms and Conditions of Sale which are referenced by hypertext link on each page of the site, at the foot of the page. The User is advised to download and/or print them in order to keep a copy on the day of his/her order, as they are likely to be modified, knowing that such modifications will be inapplicable to orders for services made previously. The General Terms and Conditions of Sale of SAS HOLA TOUR may be supplemented by specific terms and conditions of sale appearing on the description of the service and by the terms and conditions of sale of the service providers, which may be accessed either on their website or on site.



All users declare that they have the legal capacity to contract with SAS HOLA TOUR, that is to say, that they are at least 18 years old, legally capable of contracting and not under guardianship or curatorship. All users also declare that they are using the site in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, in their own name and in the name and on behalf of all the beneficiaries of the services ordered by them on the site, of whom they acknowledge that they are the agent (hereinafter referred to as the Beneficiaries) and to whom these General Terms and Conditions of Sale will be binding. The user is financially responsible for the use of the site made both in his name and on behalf of the Beneficiaries, unless he can demonstrate fraudulent use not resulting from any fault or negligence on his part. The user guarantees the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided by him/her in his/her name and in the name and on behalf of all Beneficiaries using his/her data on the site. 


SAS HOLA TOUR reserves the right at any time not to contract with a user who would make a fraudulent use of the site or who would contravene the present general conditions of sale. SAS HOLA TOUR wishes to remind you of the terms of article 313-1 of the French Penal Code: "Fraud is the fact, either by the use of a false name or a false capacity, or by the abuse of a true capacity, or by the use of fraudulent manoeuvres, of deceiving a natural person or legal entity and thus determining, to his or her detriment or to the detriment of a third party, to hand over funds, values or any other property, to provide a service or to agree to an act of obligation or discharge. Swindling is punishable by five years' imprisonment and a fine of €375,000. The user undertakes not to perform the following actions, nor to help or incite others to : 
• Use the site to threaten, monitor, defraud, incite, harass, justify harassment of a third party or otherwise interfere with the use of the site by a third party, 
• Use the Site to send or disseminate unsolicited messages, chain letters, contests, spamming, pyramid schemes, surveys or other mass messages, whether or not commercial in nature, 
• Use the site in a manner that may create a conflict of interest, for example by exchanging commercial comments with other companies or by writing or soliciting comments, 
• Use the site to promote any form of intolerance or discrimination against protected categories of people, 
• Use the Site to violate the rights of any third party, which may include violation of confidentiality, copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, moral rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, or any other proprietary or intellectual property rights, 
• Use the site to send or distribute illegal or pornographic content, 
• Use the site to obtain personal information about, threaten or harm minors, 
• Use any robot, engine, search/retrieval application or other automated system, process or other means to access, retrieve, index or otherwise exploit the Site or its contents, 
• Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site, user accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Sites through hacking, password mining or other means, 
• Use the Site or the contents of the Site to transmit computer viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses or other items with malicious or destructive intent (collectively, "viruses"), 
• Use any device, software or program that interferes with the proper working of the Site or otherwise attempts to disrupt the operation of the Site; excessively increase traffic to the Site, 
• Use the Site to breach the security of a computer network, decode passwords or security encryption keys, 
• Impair or interfere with the security of the Site or otherwise damage the Site or its contents, 
• Delete, circumvent, disable, damage or otherwise interfere with any security features of the Site or features that are in place to prevent or reduce the use or copying of the Site's contents, or that serve to restrict the use of the Site.



The user may order the services offered on the site directly online or by telephone on +33 6 41 66 42 58 (French and English speaking line) after having validated the present general conditions of sale. 1. The user carries out a search which will result in the communication of one or more offers of services corresponding to his/her request and/or the user consults the offers proposed on the site. 2. The user clicks on the service of his/her choice to access its description. 3. The user fills in the information in the booking form, the type of offer, the language of the tour, the number of participants for the excursion, the desired departure date, the duration of the stay, the desired options and the first and last names of the beneficiaries. In the second step, the user accesses a summary of all the services chosen and thetotal price of the service(s) selected, thus enabling him/her to check the details of his/her order. In the next step (step 3), the user fills in his surname, first name, address, postcode, town, country of residence, e-mail (to be confirmed) and telephone number (to be confirmed). The user must then ensure that all the information displayed is consistent with the information he/she has provided, as it cannot be changed once the booking request has been validated. 4. The user can then validate his order, after having been informed of the payment methods, subject to having accepted the general terms and conditions of sale, either when browsing the site by ticking the box "I have read and I accept the general terms and conditions of sale" for the participants listed above. SAS HOLA TOUR reminds the user that without having accepted the general conditions of sale, any order is impossible. 5. The user pays for their order, after the SAS HOLA TOUR agency has validated the availability of the excursion or tourist package ordered for the date, the number of participants and all the options requested, either online via a unique and secure link that SAS HOLA TOUR sends by email to the user, or by bank transfer to the company's account, the details of which will be communicated to the user in the form of a SAS HOLA TOUR bank identity statement. These two payment options will be sent by return email, validating the availability of the offer, with communication of the terms of payment online or R.I.B. attached, validating by SAS HOLA TOUR the availability of the user's request, under the conditions provided for in article 7 below. 6. Upon receipt of payment for the order, SAS HOLA TOUR will send the user by email a nominative voucher: a confirmation of the order including the essential elements of the contract such as the identification of the service reserved, the name and contact details of the user, the name of the beneficiaries of the service(s) purchased, the quantity and the price. All the information contained in this confirmation email will be deemed to constitute the agreement between the user and the company SAS HOLA TOUR. This "exchange voucher" or "voucher" confirms the registration of the participants for an excursion or a tourist package. The e-mail used to send the voucher is the authentic one. It is received by the user who placed the order, by e-mail, after validation of the availability of the service and receipt by the agency of the payment for the order. As a precautionary measure, in the event that five days before departure (provided that you have actually placed your order more than five days before departure) you have not received, for whatever reason, your travel documents, SAS HOLA TOUR invites you to notify it by filling in a contact form or by contacting the SAS HOLA TOUR agency by telephone. The beneficiaries of the offer must be able to present these documents for any verification or control, and in particular at the time oftaking the service, failing which the beneficiaries will not be able to benefit from the reserved services. Finally, the voucher must be presented before the start of each excursion or tourist package (e- mail, printed e-mail). Upon request of the user who has contracted an excursion or a tourist package on the website, SAS HOLA TOUR can send an invoice to the user as soon as possible. Our SAS HOLA TOUR advisors remain at the disposal for any additional information during the opening hours of the SAS HOLA TOUR Agency.

4.1.1 - Writing orders on the site

For the order to be taken into account by SAS HOLA TOUR: we ask users to fill in all the input masks, within which the fields that must be filled in are indicated by an asterisk. No order can be carried out without this information, nor without the acceptance of these general conditions of sale. We therefore recommend that you use the input masks and names shown in the online booking section of the website www.SAS HOLA TOUR- Should an error in the booking occur due to an inaccuracy on the part of the client, we will not be held responsible. Finally, the automatic recording systems of SAS HOLA TOUR are considered as proof of the nature of the contract and its date.

4.1.2 - Acceptance of orders

All orders are only binding on SAS HOLA TOUR after confirmation of their acceptance by e-mail by sending the "exchange voucher" and/or the invoice for the excursion or tourist package ordered. Cases of force majeure may prevent SAS HOLA TOUR from carrying out its commitments regarding the processing of the order. No claim can be made on this point. SAS HOLA TOUR reserves the right not to process certain orders. In this case and as far as possible, SAS HOLA TOUR will inform the bearer of this order by e-mail.


The said accommodation services are offered by SAS HOLA TOUR on behalf of its service providers.


The number of stars attributed to the hotel establishment appearing in the description corresponds to a classification established in reference to French and European standards. All the hosts that SAS HOLA TOUR works with are 4 or 5 star establishments and charming inns. We reserve the right, for technical or safety reasons, in cases of force majeure or due to the actions of a third party, to replace the planned hotel with an establishment of the same category offering equivalent services. This can only be an exceptional event and in such a case we will endeavour to inform you of this and offer you the exchange as soon as we are aware of it.


5.2.1 Single rooms or Single Privilege (1 person)

The "Single Privilege" rooms are equivalent to superior or privilege rooms. They have a double bed for one person, from 28 to 35 m2. They include: flat screen TV, bathroom with bath and/or shower, hair dryer, minibar and air conditioning, separate toilet.

5.2.2 Junior Suite (2 persons)

The Junior Suites have a double bed or two single beds (on request), from 32 to 40 m2, they include: bathroom with bath, flat screen TV, satellite, minibar and air conditioning.

5.2.3 Connecting rooms

Requests for communicating rooms will be taken into account and satisfied subject to the hotelier's availability, of which SAS HOLA TOUR will inform you.


The Tourist Packages or escapades (2 days or more) all include at least one night in a hotel. These hotels are rigorously selected by SAS HOLA TOUR.


In the case of tourist packages (including accommodation in a hotel): your arrival on site is scheduled for the afternoon (between 5pm and 7pm). The room must be vacated by 10.00 am at the latest on the day of departure. Please note that international hotel rules generally require that guests should be able to take possession of their rooms from 2 p.m. onwards, regardless of flight arrival time, and vacate them by 10 a.m. at the earliest, regardless of the time of return flight. Unfortunately, it is not possible to deviate from this rule. Therefore, if you decide to take possession of your room or return it outside the times stipulated above, you may be charged an additional night's stay, without any refund.

5.4 - BABY

SAS HOLA TOUR advises parents of babies to bring with them food suitable for their child, which they will not always find on site. A contribution to be paid on the spot may be requested, for example to heat the dishes or bottles and/or the installation of a baby bed, which must be requested at the time of booking, subject however to the availability of the hotel or residence.

5.5 - MEALS

The meals offered depend on the offer you have chosen. Meals are taken in traditional or gastronomic restaurants, selected by SAS HOLA TOUR and offered on behalf of its service providers.

5.5.1 - "All-inclusive" for tourist packages

Includes, in addition to accommodation, breakfasts, lunches and dinners in restaurants and the usual drinks (mineral water, glasses of local wine during meals in the number indicated on the description of each offer). Traditional or gastronomic lunches are all offered in restaurants selected by SAS HOLA TOUR. The breakfasts provided in the offers are included in your tourist package at the hotel where you are staying.

5.5.2 - Within the framework of "All-inclusive" packages

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are only included during meals, unless otherwise stated in the description, in the number of glasses per person stated in the description of each offer. Any additional drinks or bottles ordered by a client must be paid for by the client at the restaurant. Likewise, all drinks other than meals are not included in the "All-Inclusive" package and must be paid for on the spot with the hotelier. The same applies to the use of the hotel's minibar: drinks at the hotel bar, orders to the hotel's room service are to be paid by the guests to the hotelier. On site, the hotel rules must be respected, in particular the opening hours of the restaurant(s) or bar(s), the places indicated for consuming meals, or drinks.


SAS HOLA TOUR advises pregnant women to consult their doctor before booking any wine-tourism excursion, to confirm their fitness tò take an excursion proposed within the framework of the offers proposed on the site. Furthermore, SAS HOLA TOUR shall not legally serve alcoholic beverages to any pregnant woman, in accordance with the law. We inform you that SAS HOLA TOUR tours are not suitable for pregnant women, diabetics and anyone with risks related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages (cardiovascular risks, diabetes, any other risk). Please specify the stage of your pregnancy when you make your booking so that we can inform our providers. We would like to remind you that alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health and should be consumed in moderation. In general, SAS HOLA TOUR cannot be held responsible in case of bad execution of your tour or an impossibility to carry it out due to your state of health, and no reimbursement can be made as a result.

5.7 - PRICES

The prices of the "packages", tourist offers, are in Euros and are indicated including all taxes on the website and any other document issued by SAS HOLA TOUR (at the legal VAT rate in force of 20% in France).


The modalities of cancellation, modification and the costs inherent to them are governed by the provisions of articles 12.1, 12.1.1,, 12.3.1 and 13.1 of the present general conditions of sale


A tourist package is the result of the prior combination of at least two operations relating respectively to transport, accommodation or other tourist services not ancillary to transport or accommodation representing a significant part of the package; exceeding twenty-four hours or including an overnight stay; sold or offered for sale at an all-inclusive price.


The transport of excursions and tourist packages offered by SAS HOLA TOUR is carried out in an 8-seater minibus. The schedules, programmes and duration of the tours are subject to change: the prices include all the services indicated in the description of each service. Any customer who has contracted an offer (an excursion or a tourist package) and arrives after the departure time of an excursion or a tourist package cannot claim a refund of his order. SAS HOLA TOUR and its partners cannot be held responsible and cannot guarantee the return of personal effects and luggage left on board coaches, minibuses or in any other place. We remind participants and clients of SAS HOLA TOUR that it is strictly forbidden to smoke on board minibuses (law of 17th September 1977).

6.1.1 Health - Pregnant women

SAS HOLA TOUR advises pregnant women to consult their doctor before booking any wine-tourism excursion, to confirm that they are fit to take part in an excursion offered as part of the package. Furthermore, SAS HOLA TOUR will not legally serve alcoholic beverages to any pregnant woman, in accordance with the law. We inform you that SAS HOLA TOUR tours are not suitable for pregnant women, diabetics or any other persons at risk (cardiovascular risks, diabetes, any other risks). Please specify the stage of your pregnancy when you make your reservation so that we can inform our service providers. We would like to remind you that alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health and should be consumed in moderation. Generally speaking, SAS HOLA TOUR cannot be held responsible in the event of poor execution of your tour or the impossibility of carrying it out due to your state of health, and no reimbursement can be made as a result.


The accommodation and stay services included in the tourist packages are governed by the stipulations of articles 5.1 to 5.4 of the present general conditions of sale. The duration of the trips includes :
• The day of departure from the time of departure
• The day of the return journey up to the arrival time

Transport time may vary depending on traffic conditions. Therefore, in the event of a late arrival or a delayed early departure, no refund will be made.


We remind you that all the excursions and tourist packages offered by SAS HOLA TOUR are intended for a responsible public (over 18 years old). Children accompanying their parents must receive prior approval from SAS HOLA TOUR. If an exceptional authorisation is granted by SAS HOLA TOUR, we inform you that underage children remain under the full responsibility of their parents who must be present throughout the excursion or the contracted tourist package. SAS HOLA TOUR cannot be held responsible for any actions or incidents that may occur during the execution of an offer. In all circumstances, a child accompanied by at least one of his or her parents, authorised by SAS HOLA TOUR to take part in an excursion or a tourist package, remains under the full responsibility of the accompanying parent. Minors must be in possession of identity papers in their name. Minors cannot be registered on their parents' passports, including the "old model" passports known as Delphine passports. Minors must hold an individual passport. For minors accompanied by only one parent to or from abroad, in addition to the usual formalities, the accompanying parent must have the family record book and an authorisation to leave the country given by the parent not travelling. The same applies to minors accompanied by a third party. SAS HOLA TOUR cannot accept the registration of a minor who is not accompanied by a third party. Consequently, SAS HOLA TOUR cannot be held responsible in the event that, despite this prohibition, an unaccompanied minor is registered, without his or her knowledge, on a trip.

6.4 - PRICES

The price of tourist packages is governed by the stipulations of article 7 of the present contract.


In accordance with article 18 of the law of 13 July 1992, the client may transfer his contract (excluding insurance contracts) to a third party, provided that he informs SAS HOLA TOUR by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt at the latest 7 days before the start of the holiday, indicating precisely the names and addresses of the transferee(s) and of the participant(s) in the trip and justifying that the latter meet the same conditions as he does to make the trip or the holiday. The transferor or the transferee will be obliged to pay a fee in advance as provided for in Article 12.3.1 below, i.e. under the same conditions as those relating to the modification of tourist package services. The transferor and the transferee shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment of any balance of the price as well as for any additional costs incurred as a result of this transfer. In all cases, if the costs are higher than the above-mentioned amounts, SAS HOLA TOUR will be owed the exact amount, which will be invoiced to the client on presentation of proof.


The modalities of cancellation, modification and the costs inherent to them are governed by the provisions of articles 12.1, 12.1.1, 12.2, 12.2.1, 12.3, 12.3.1 and 13.1 of the present general conditions of sale.


It is expressly agreed that some of the activities indicated are not necessarily available outside the tourist season (the tourist season runs from April to November). It is also expressly agreed that certain activities or facilities may be cancelled by our service provider, in particular for climatic reasons (helicopter, hikes, etc.), in the event of force majeure or because the minimum number of four participants required for the provision of services is not reached. All these risks are an integral part of the contract you are entering into and are not the responsibility of SAS HOLA TOUR. Likewise, any cancellation of these activities at the discretion of the organiser due to insufficient demand will not result in any compensation. Finally, SAS HOLA TOUR wishes to draw the user's attention to the fact that some of the activities offered may present risks, particularly for young children. SAS HOLA TOUR cannot be held responsible in the event of an incident or accident attributable to a lack of vigilance on your part.



The prices mentioned on the "HENRY & GABY" website are expressed per person, and in euros. Unless otherwise stated, they are prices inclusive of tax. Prices are subject to change without prior notice, and only become final upon receipt of confirmation of the execution of the excursion or tourist package by "voucher". The display of prices is not in itself a guarantee, as prices are given as a guide for the current calendar year. The prices include all the services indicated in the description of each excursion or tourist package. The prices mentioned on this website are only valid for bookings made directly on the website. The promotions mentioned on the website are only valid on the website. They cannot be claimed on another sales channel. They are subject to certain characteristics, in particular the dates, which will be clearly mentioned on the site.

7.1.1 - General provisions

The descriptions of the services or "programmes" presented on the site specify for each offer the elements included in the service, its price and any special conditions. The prices indicated are those in force on the date of the reservation. All prices are displayed in Euros (€), including all taxes. In accordance with the VAT regime for travel agents, the invoices issued by SAS HOLA TOUR do not mention the VAT collected on the services sold. It should also be noted that certain taxes or additional costs (tourist tax, tourist tax, visa and/or tourist card fees) may be imposed by the authorities of certain states. These additional taxes are not included in the price of the services and, where they exist, are payable by the user and may have to be paid locally. In addition, in general, and unless expressly stated otherwise, prices do not include all expenses of a personal nature or ancillary to the service, such as insurance, orders, purchases made during a tour and delivery costs related to these orders or purchases, excess baggage charges, airport parking fees, vaccination costs, laundry, telephone, drinks, room service, tips, use of sports facilities, and more generally any service not expressly included in the summary of the order.

7.1.2 - Special provisions for tourist packages

- Prices are calculated and presented according to the number of full days and not the number of nights. The term "overnight stay" refers to the period during which the room is available, i.e. between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. (GMT + 1) at the earliest on the following day.
- The price of tourist packages may, at the request of the service providers, be modified up to 31 days before the date of your departure according to variations, particularly upwards, affecting the price of fuel, legal or regulatory taxes or the exchange rate.
- These changes will only be reflected in the price of the service in proportion to their share in the calculation of the price of the service.


All orders are payable in Euros.

• Payment for any order may be made by credit card on the interface using the following payment methods
    - The national credit card,
    - VISA cards
    - EuroCard/MasterCard
• For residents of the European Union only: SAS HOLA TOUR allows the payment of an order by bank transfer (SEPA area). All additional charges and bank fees related to the transaction are the exclusive responsibility of the user who pays for the order. After validation of an order, a SAS HOLA TOUR advisor will send an invoice by e-mail as well as a bank statement from the agency so that the user can pay for the order by bank transfer.

The user guarantees that he/she is fully entitled to use the payment card that he/she will use and that the latter gives access to sufficient funds to cover all costs necessary to settle the order. The commitment to pay by means of a payment card is irrevocable. Payment may only be stopped in the event of loss, theft or fraudulent use of the card. Outside these cases, which are limited by the legislator, the cardholder is guilty of card fraud. The right to stop payment cannot be used to compensate for the absence of a right of withdrawal (see article 13 below). Payments by cheque SAS HOLA TOUR does not accept any payment by cheque. In all cases, whatever the method of payment, any order not paid in full 14 days before the departure date of the trip may be cancelled by SAS HOLA TOUR. In this case, cancellation fees will be charged in accordance with the stipulations of article 12.2 of this contract.



The delivery of the service documents (exchange vouchers, vouchers, airport summons and/or transport tickets) is carried out by email after validation by the agency of the availability of the service(s) ordered. The user must therefore provide SAS HOLA TOUR with an "electronic" address allowing SAS HOLA TOUR to send him certain documents relating to his trip when ordering online on the "HENRY & GABY" website (For information, the agency's call centre can be reached from Monday to Saturday from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm, GMT+1). The e-mail sending the exchange voucher shall be deemed authentic. It is received by the purchaser by e-mail after receipt of payment for the order. If the user who has placed and paid for the order is unable to take delivery of the services or vouchers on the date they are made available, the services will not be refundable ("NO SHOW"). The voucher must be presented before each participation in a service. As a precautionary measure, in the event that five days before departure (provided that you have actually placed your order more than five days before departure) you have not received, for whatever reason, your travel documents, SAS HOLA TOUR invites you to inform it by filling in a contact form or by contacting the agency by telephone. In the event that you expressly request it, these travel documents could be sent to you on paper and by other means of delivery, subject however to the feasibility of these steps with regard to your order date, your departure date as well as the city of departure if applicable. SAS HOLA TOUR will then charge you a flat fee of 50 Euros (including VAT) per order for the delivery costs incurred. In any case, in the event of erroneous transmission by the user of his details, SAS HOLA TOUR declines all responsibility in the event of non-execution or poor execution of the trip due to the non-receipt of the travel documents.


Only a valid national identity card or passport can be used for travel. No other document can be used to travel, whether for an adult, a child or a baby. We remind you that all minors (under 18) must obtain prior authorisation from SAS HOLA TOUR and must be accompanied by at least one of their parents. As a general rule, a valid passport is essential for the foreign destinations outside the European Union that we offer. Some countries require that the passport be valid for more than six months after the return date and also that you have a return or exit ticket and sufficient funds. Minor children must be in possession of identity papers in their names. It is no longer possible to register minors on their parents' passports, including the "old model" passports known as Delphine passports. Minors must hold an individual passport. For minors accompanied by only one parent to or from abroad, in addition to the usual formalities, the accompanying parent must have the family record book and an authorisation to leave the country given by the parent not travelling. The same applies to minors accompanied by a third party. SAS HOLA TOUR cannot accept the registration of a minor who is not accompanied by a third party. Consequently, SAS HOLA TOUR cannot be held responsible in the event that, despite this prohibition, an unaccompanied minor is registered, without his or her knowledge, on a trip. Similarly, SAS HOLA TOUR informs users that certain countries require the passenger to provide proof of a subscription to an assistance/repatriation insurance policy in order to issue the visa. The administrative and/or health formalities necessary for the execution of the trip are communicated to you, by way of information, before your order, in the description of our services. SAS HOLA TOUR wishes to draw the user's attention to the fact that it is his or her responsibility to be aware of any formalities that may need to be completed in order to travel to the country of destination and, if applicable, of transit. SAS HOLA TOUR also draws the user's attention to the need to be aware of the information relating to health risks observed by the health authorities in the destination and transit countries, as well as the recommendations and health measures put in place against these risks, before the departure of the beneficiaries and during their stay. To do so, the user and the beneficiaries should consult the hypertext link on In addition, in order to prepare your trip properly, and whatever your nationality, we strongly advise you to consult all the information on the countries to be visited and on the administrative and health formalities to be completed on the following websites, without forgetting the countries that you may pass through during stopovers or transits. You are responsible for completing these formalities and the resulting costs. The formalities mentioned on the site are intended for French nationals. Consequently, nationals of foreign countries must obtain information from the competent authorities in their country of origin, as well as in the country or countries of destination and/or transit, prior to their registration. Between the publication of the information on the site and the date of departure of the user, certain changes may occur. SAS HOLA TOUR therefore advises the user to consult the site just before departure. Finally, it is your responsibility to scrupulously respect these formalities and to ensure that the first and last names appearing on your travel documents (reservations, transport tickets, exchange vouchers, etc.) correspond exactly to those appearing on their identity document, passport, visa, etc. If, due to non-compliance with these administrative or health formalities, you are unable to take part in an excursion or a tourist package, the price paid cannot be reimbursed under any circumstances. Likewise, SAS HOLA TOUR cannot bear the costs of fines and/or duties resulting from non-compliance with the customs or health regulations of the countries visited.


In application of the provisions of article 1316-2 of the civil code, it is expressly agreed that unless there is a manifest error on the part of SAS HOLA TOUR, the data kept in the information system of SAS HOLA TOUR and/or their partners and/or service providers, notably in the electronic messaging tools used, have evidential value with regard to the orders placed and the execution of the obligations of the parties. The data on computer or electronic support thus conserved constitute proof, and if they are produced as a means of proof by SAS HOLA TOUR in any litigation or other procedure, they will be admissible, valid and opposable between the parties in the same way, under the same conditions and with the same probative force as any


In application of the provisions of article L 121-20-4 of the consumer code, the services offered on the site are not subject to the application of the right of withdrawal provided for in articles L 121-20 et seq. of the consumer code in relation to distance selling. Consequently, the services ordered on the site are exclusively subject to the conditions of cancellation and modification provided for in these general conditions of sale and the user may not invoke the right of withdrawal.



12.1.1 General provisions

Any request for cancellation or modification of your order must be sent to SAS HOLA TOUR by e-mail to the following addresses: (anti-spam measure, remove the '_'. Replace _@_ by @) or even more simply directly on the site in the "contact us" space, on the contact form. In all correspondence, you must imperatively recall the order number or the invoice number and the date of the tour to be modified or cancelled. SAS HOLA TOUR will send you confirmation of receipt of your request for cancellation or modification by e-mail, if necessary. In the absence of this e-mail, the modification or cancellation cannot be taken into account. It is therefore your responsibility to ensure that you have received the confirmation e-mail. In the interests of legal certainty and transparency, SAS HOLA TOUR will then remind you in this e-mail of the cancellation or modification scale as set out in the present document, in articles 12.2 and 12.3 below, and will ask you to return the following e-mail within a specified period of time: "I have taken note of the amount of the cancellation fees (or modification fees as the case may be) quoted above, I confirm the cancellation (or modification) of my service. Name, first name, file reference ", with the mention " good for agreement " to confirm your cancellation or modification request. Only the sending of this e-mail by you will be considered as a definitive request for cancellation or modification. Consequently, the sending of such an e-mail after the deadline may, if necessary, increase the costs under the conditions of the cancellation or modification scale provided for in articles 12.2 and 12.3 below, because as long as it has not been sent, the reservation will be maintained as initially, with SAS HOLA TOUR itself remaining committed to its service providers with whom it has reserved the services. In the event of modification or cancellation, and after deduction of the sums due in application of the stipulations of articles 12.2 and 12.3 of the present document, SAS HOLA TOUR will reimburse you within a reasonable period of time all the sums previously paid, subject to any special provisions specific to certain services as referred to in article 12.1.2 below. On your part, the cancellation or modification of your service for whatever reason does not exempt you from the payment of the sums that you would still owe to SAS HOLA TOUR in application of the provisions of this article. SAS HOLA TOUR finally draws the attention of the user to the fact that external costs or costs not included in the service, and already incurred by him such as those incurred for the issuance of visas, other travel documents, pre-transportation or post-transportation costs, vaccination costs ..., will not be reimbursed. Similarly, any customer who has contracted an offer (excursion or tourist package) and arrives after the departure time of an excursion or tourist package cannot claim a refund of his order. In case of delay of a client, SAS HOLA TOUR will wait 10 minutes after the scheduled departure time at the departure point of the tour. After 10 minutes, the customer's reservation will be considered as "no-show" and no refund can be claimed. If you have taken out cancellation insurance, we remind you that it is your responsibility to inform the insurer directly of the cancellation or any other claim within the conditions and time limits indicated in the insurance contract.

12.1.2 - Special provisions for certain services

With regard to treatments, the services cannot be modified. SAS HOLA TOUR also wishes to remind the user that any interrupted or shortened stay or any service not consumed for whatever reason, such as for example the non-appearance or late arrival at the meeting place, will not give rise to any reimbursement. Leisure services or excursions cannot be returned or exchanged. With regard to tourist packages and hotel services included in the offers, SAS HOLA TOUR wishes to remind the user that any stay that is interrupted or shortened or any service that is not consumed for any reason whatsoever, such as, for example, failure to show up or showing up late at the meeting point, will not give rise to any reimbursement. Furthermore, in the event of cancellation due to insufficient participants, at the latest 22 days before the departure date, the client will not be entitled to any compensation.


12.2.1 Services not paid in advance

The cancellation of your service will result in charges being invoiced to you according to the scale below, it being specified that the application fee is not refundable.
• More than 16 days before departure: 50% of the total amount including tax
• Between 15 and the day of the service, and after the service: 100% of the total amount including tax

12.2.1 Services paid in advance
The cancellation of your service will result in a refund according to the following scale:
• Cancellation before 3 months: 100% refunded
• Cancellation between 1 and 3 months: 50% refund
• Cancellation less than 30 days before the service: 0% refund


12.3.1 For excursions and tourist packages

All changes to the dates of stay and/or changes to the choice of service will be considered as a cancellation and are governed by the provisions of articles 12.2.1. Changes to excursions or tourist packages other than those concerning the dates of stay
• At least 30 days before departure: 80% of the amount refunded
• Between 30 and 16 days before departure: 40% of the amount refunded
• Between 15 and 7 days before departure: 30% refund
• Less than 7 days to 1 day: 15% refund
• On the same day: no refund

This scale is also applicable in the event of the transfer of the tourist package as provided for in article 6.4 of the present document, to which will be added any expenses requested by the service providers.



If SAS HOLA TOUR is forced to cancel your trip, you will be immediately informed, and all sums paid will be immediately refunded and the provisions of article R 211- 10 of the Tourism Code will apply (cf. article 21 below). In the same way, if a modification were to occur before departure, the provisions of article R 211-9 would apply (see article 21 below). SAS HOLA TOUR cannot be held responsible for any changes made to any of the services assembled by the user.


In all other services other than those mentioned above in articles 12.2 to 12.3, the cancellation or modification will result in the reimbursement to the user, as soon as possible, taking into account the deadlines imposed by the service provider, of all sums paid, without SAS HOLA TOUR being held responsible for obtaining any compensation whatsoever. SAS HOLA TOUR also points out that in the same way for all modifications concerning the services other than those mentioned in articles 12.1 to 12.3 above, its responsibility cannot be engaged.


SAS HOLA TOUR has subscribed, under the conditions provided for by the Tourism Code, to the company Generali Iard - (SA with a share capital of €94,630,300), 2 rue Pillet-Will, 75009 Paris, a Professional Civil Liability insurance policy which covers in particular the financial consequences that may fall to the insured party as a result of bodily injury, property and immaterial damage caused to employees, service providers or third parties as a result of faults, errors in fact or in law, omissions or negligence committed in the course of its activity as a travel organisation, up to an amount of €2,000,000 per year of insurance for all damage combined. SAS HOLA TOUR is the holder of the insurance contract n° AP832611. The Tourism Code and its application texts fixing the conditions of exercise of the activities relating to the organisation and sale of trips and stays imposes "to justify, with regard to the customers, an adequate financial guarantee, especially affected to the refunding of the funds received under the services enumerated in the article 1 and to the delivery of substitute services, resulting from the commitment of a collective guarantee organisation, a credit institution or an insurance company, this financial guarantee including the costs of any repatriation and must, in this case, be immediately mobilisable on national territory. SAS HOLA TOUR benefits from the financial guarantee provided by Schneider Finance, 15 rue de Marignan, 75008 Paris, for an unlimited amount of which it is a member. This financial guarantee is activated to the consumer customer, when the tourism professional (Member of the Association), to whom he has paid funds, is financially in default. The guarantee provided by Schneider Finance is delivered as a priority in the form of similar or equivalent substitute services ordered by the consumer customer from his travel agent. This service guarantee has the advantage that the consumer customer, who is the victim of the member's financial default, is able to carry out or even continue his trip or stay under secure conditions. Consequently, SAS HOLA TOUR recommends that all its customers take out an insurance contract covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation and providing for an assistance contract covering certain specific risks, in particular the cost of repatriation in the event of accident or illness, at the time of their order.


Any complaint of a commercial nature or relating to the quality of the services must be notified in writing as soon as possible, and no later than 30 days after your return date, to the following address SAS HOLA TOUR, 47 rue Guillaume Tell, 21000 Dijon. After this period, no claim will be taken into consideration. An acknowledgement of receipt of your letter attesting to its correct receipt and its handling by the department concerned will be sent to you within a maximum of 7 days. Complaints will only be accepted insofar as the difficulties to which they relate have been previously reported during the execution of the service, directly to the service provider and in writing (simple letter, fax or e-mail) addressed to the service provider, SAS HOLA TOUR and/or its service providers will attempt to remedy the situation in order to limit the damage that you consider you may suffer and also to limit the damage suffered by SAS HOLA TOUR, in the event that the fault is attributable to one of its service providers, the said complaint reported during the execution of the service allowing it to better defend itself against it. The company SAS HOLA TOUR wishes to remind users that it markets individual trips, so any complaint must be made individually, i.e. one per order. No action will be taken on collective complaints or petitions. Finally, SAS HOLA TOUR wishes to draw your attention to the fact that it is up to the user to find out, before placing an order, about any local events such as local festivals, religious festivals, national holidays, etc., which could affect the smooth running of your trip, it being specified that no complaint of this kind can be addressed to SAS HOLA TOUR at a later date.



SAS HOLA TOUR does not guarantee that the site will be free of anomalies, errors or bugs, nor that these can be corrected, nor that the site can function without interruption or breakdown, nor that it is compatible with all hardware without exception. SAS HOLA TOUR cannot be held responsible for malfunctions attributable to third party software. In these conditions, SAS HOLA TOUR cannot be held responsible for any type of foreseeable or unforeseeable damage, material or immaterial, resulting from the use or, on the contrary, from the total or partial impossibility of using the site. Finally, SAS HOLA TOUR cannot control all the sites to which it refers by hypertext link, which exist only to facilitate the research of users, SAS HOLA TOUR can in no way be held responsible for their content. Consequently, by accepting these general terms and conditions of sale, the user declares that he/she is aware of the characteristics and limits of the Internet, particularly with regard to the technical performance of the applications developed on it and the security of communications and data. 


SAS HOLA TOUR takes particular care in the choice of its service providers and thus ensures that the contractual commitments made to users are respected when ordering any type of service. With regard to the provision of excursions and tourist packages, SAS HOLA TOUR cannot be held responsible for any non-performance or poor performance of all or part of the services provided for in the contract which is attributable to the user, to a case of force majeure or to the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party in France or a third party who is not involved in the provision of the services provided for in the contract. In any case, in the event that SAS HOLA TOUR is found to be responsible, the limit of compensation provided for in Article L211-16 of the Tourism Code shall apply. With regard to all other services, SAS HOLA TOUR shall only be liable in the event of damage caused by a fault on its part demonstrated by the user. SAS HOLA TOUR cannot be held responsible for the return of personal effects and luggage left on board the vehicles or in any other place. It is the responsibility of the User to check that they are in possession of their travel voucher. 


SAS HOLA TOUR shall not be liable for any of the following losses or damages (whether such losses or damages are foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise: (a) loss of data; (b) loss of revenue or anticipated profits; (c) loss of business; (d) loss of opportunity; (e) loss of intangible assets or damage to reputation; (f) losses suffered by third parties; or (g) any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising out of the use of the site, regardless of the form of action. SAS HOLA TOUR, in providing bookings for services, hotels, tours, excursions, tourist packages, transport or any services related to the itineraries of individual clients, shall not be liable for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity, debt or expense to persons or property as a result of the failure of any supplier, hotel, carrier, restaurateur or other company or person providing the services included in the services. Furthermore, SAS HOLA TOUR and its suppliers cannot be held responsible for any delay, change of itinerary or cancellation, illness, theft, labour disputes, machine breakdowns, government restrictions, acts of war or terrorism, weather conditions, defects in means of transport, mishaps or accidents, or any other cause beyond their control. This list of events is not exhaustive. In the event of an event making it impossible to carry out all or part of the agreed transport contract, the service must unfortunately be suspended. Under no circumstances shall SAS HOLA TOUR be held responsible for any damage, loss or dispute of any kind resulting from the use of this site. In the same way, SAS HOLA TOUR cannot be held responsible for incidents, of any kind, occurring during the stay of SAS HOLA TOUR clients. Similarly, for any cancellation of hotel rooms, flights, strikes, governmental restrictions, which could intervene outside the control of SAS HOLA TOUR. Finally, no solidarity or responsibility can be taken by SAS HOLA TOUR for personal expenses not foreseen by the contract, for delays or governmental decisions of any kind. If one of these conditions proves to be illegal, invalid or inapplicable according to the laws of any state or country in which these conditions must have effect, to the extent of the jurisdiction in which this condition is illegal, invalid or inapplicable, it will be deleted from these general conditions and the remaining conditions will be maintained, will remain applicable and will continue to have full effect. 


In order to best serve its customers, SAS HOLA TOUR strives to respond to requests within 3 working days from the confirmation of the order. Nevertheless, this time is not contractual and can not be the subject of any complaint. If the customer does not receive his services by e-mail before his arrival, he will have the possibility to contact the offices of SAS HOLA TOUR during working days and hours to receive a copy of his vouchers under confirmation of his identity. The delivery times indicated on the publications or order confirmations are given in good faith but without obligation. Any penalty for delay is excluded. The e-mail sending the voucher will be considered as proof. It is received by the user who placed the order, by e-mail, after validation of the availability of the service and receipt by the agency of the payment for the order. If the user who has placed and paid for the order cannot take delivery of the services or vouchers on the date of availability, the services will not be refundable (NO SHOW). The voucher must be presented before each participation to a service. Thus, as a precaution, in the event that five days before departure (provided that you have actually placed your order more than five days before departure) you have not received, for whatever reason, your travel documents, SAS HOLA TOUR invites you to inform it by filling in a contact form or by contacting the agency by telephone. In addition, traffic and congestion may cause delays, particularly for private transfers. In this case, the client remains solely responsible for the possible consequences and must ensure that the time allowed for check-in by the company for his flight or train is sufficient. Under no circumstances will SAS HOLA TOUR be responsible for any costs incurred due to the delay of a flight or transfer. No compensation can be requested from SAS HOLA TOUR in these cases.


The information that the user communicates to SAS HOLA TOUR during the ordering process is not transmitted to any third party other than the providers of the services ordered and, if necessary, the health authorities. This information is considered by SAS HOLA TOUR and its suppliers as confidential. It is used only by the internal services of the company SAS HOLA TOUR and its suppliers, for the treatment of the order of the user and to reinforce and personalize the communication and the offer of services reserved to the users of the company SAS HOLA TOUR. In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, the user has the right to access, rectify and oppose personal data concerning him/her. To do this, the user simply needs to make a request online or by post to the SAS HOLA TOUR agency, indicating his or her name, first name and address.


The present general conditions of sale, and more generally, the contract that you conclude with SAS HOLA TOUR are subject to French law. Any dispute relating to their interpretation and/or execution is subject to the French courts. If one of these conditions should prove to be illegal, invalid or inapplicable according to the laws of any state or country in which these conditions should have effect, to the extent of the jurisdiction in which this condition is illegal, invalid or inapplicable, it will be deleted from these general conditions and the remaining conditions will be maintained, will remain applicable and will continue to have full effect.


It is strictly forbidden to smoke (Law of 17 Sept. 77), eat or drink alcohol (Law of 17 Sept. 97) on board the vehicles. The service is subject to French law, and in particular the Highway Code. The driver and passengers must comply with road legislation. The wearing of a seatbelt is compulsory according to the regulations in force. The client must behave courteously towards the driver and other passengers. The service provider reserves the right to terminate the service, without any compensation for the client, in the event of failure to comply with safety regulations. Our drivers are responsible for the service. They must expressly ensure compliance with the Highway Code and the special provisions for the transport of persons (speed limit, seat belts, baby or child seats, etc.). Our company reserves the right to suspend the service or prohibit access to the vehicle in the event of the client's failure to comply with the safety rules or any non-compliant behaviour towards the driver and/or the other passengers. The loading of luggage that does not comply with the weight and size characteristics of the vehicles is prohibited. Any damage caused to the vehicles by the customers will be charged in full on the basis of the amount of the repairs. Customers are required to ensure that no objects have been left in our vehicles, as our company declines all responsibility in the event of deterioration, disappearance or theft of any object that may have been left there.


SAS HOLA TOUR is the owner of the intellectual property rights or holds the rights of use on all the elements accessible on the site, in particular the texts, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds and software. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or the process used, is prohibited, except with the prior written permission of : SAS HOLA TOUR. Any unauthorised use of the site or of any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.


The site contains a certain number of hypertext links to other sites, set up with the authorisation of SAS HOLA TOUR. However, SAS HOLA TOUR does not have the possibility of checking the contents of the sites thus visited, and consequently will not assume any responsibility for this fact. Browsing the "HENRY & GABY" website may result in the installation of cookie(s) on the user's computer. A cookie is a small file, which does not allow the user to be identified, but which records information relating to the navigation of a computer on a site. The data thus obtained is intended to facilitate subsequent navigation on the site, and is also intended to allow various measures of frequentation. Refusing to install a cookie may make it impossible to access certain services.

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